CAC’s Response to COVID-19

In light of the current public health and safety concerns, the Children's Advocacy Center of Franklin County and North Quabbin, Inc. will remain accessbile with staff working remotely when necessary. Our normal business hours are 8AM-4PM.
We recognize that this time is extremely stressful and challenging and wish to provide support to our children and community.
All of our spring events have been canceled or postponed at this time. Services regarding children and their families will be triaged by our Multi-Disciplinary team.
Please do not hesitate to call or email us for guidance during this time;
Irene Woods, Executive Director, or 508-843-7306
Samantha Staelens, Case Manager, or 413-772-9069
Joanne Leonard, CSEC Coordinator, or 413-772-9821
*Not all kids and adults are safe at home. Incidents of child abuse and domestic violence tend to rise during times of financial difficulty and extreme stress, both of which will be experienced. With no school, sports and other activities, children will have less access to caring adults who can intervene. Keep your eyes and ears open and be aware. If you see something or suspect abuse please report it. Those who can help child abuse and domestic violence victims will still be there to help.
MA Department of Children and Families Hotline (800) 792-5200
NELCWIT's 24/7 Hotline (413) 772-0806

Posted: to CAC News on Tue, Mar 17, 2020
Updated: Tue, Mar 17, 2020