Learn to dye your own silk scarf with the Kangaroo Dyer!

Saturday, January 28, 2017, 10:00 am until 12:00 pm
CAC, 56 Wisdom Way, Greenfield, MA


Get down and colorful joining the fun dyeing a silk scarf; all to celebrate the work of the CAC.

Using Acid Dyes (the scary acid is white vinegar), a pair of gloves, brushes, string, clothespins, rubber bands, marbles plus all types of folding techniques, we will make a glorious silk masterpiece.

The Kangaroo Dyer will demonstrate how to prepare the silk, arrange your own workspace and apply the dye.  Once the silk is dyed, fabric paints and shiny glittery touches can be added if desired.  Experienced helpers will be available to hold your hand, if desired.

What have other participants done with their silk?

               Accessorized an outfit for a special occasion.

               Decorated a panel in their workspace.

               Worn the silk to keep warm at the transfer station.

Absolutely no experience necessary. 

DONATION $75 to the CAC , class is limited to 25. To register email Irene at info@cacFranklinnq.org